Access to information
The Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) promotes an open, transparent and accountable Queensland Government, by providing the community with a clearly stated right of access to information government holds.

Accessing Information
The Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act) allows an individual to access and amend ‘personal information’. The Right to Information Act commenced on 1 July 2009, repealing the Freedom of Information Act 1992.
If you have been unable to obtain access to information through the website or your normal contact with the department, you may wish to seek access to the document/s through an application under the Right to Information Act.
Under the Right to Information Act and Information Privacy Act you can request a copy of a document, a part of a document or an extract from a document.
A document can consist of one or more of the following:
- files (including the file number, if you know it)
- working papers including loose paper (e.g. post-it notes)
- reports
- diaries and diary notes
- computer files and other electronic data (including emails, CDs, DVDs, hard drives)
- maps, charts and plans
- drafts
- videos and audio recordings
- films and photographs
- x-rays, MRIs.
Making a Right to Information application
To request information QRIDA holds, your application must:
- be on the approved form
- provide sufficient information to identify the documents you want to access
- provide an address/email address to which notices can be provided
- include an application fee of $55.75 (payment options will be provided upon request)
- provide certified proof of identity if you are seeking access to your personal information
- include a valid authorisation and proof of identity of an agent if a third party is acting on your behalf.
*If your application does not meet these requirements, officers of QRIDA will assist you to amend the application so it does comply.
Please complete the application form and forward it to:
RTI and Privacy Unit
Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority
GPO Box 211
Fax: (07) 3032 0300
Cost of Right to Information application
If your application concerns a document that does not relate solely to your own personal information, you will be required to pay a statutory fee of $55.75 before your application is considered valid.
Non-personal applications may also attract additional processing and access charges. These charges are charged at a rate of $8.65 for each 15 minutes or part thereof for time spent searching, decision making and preparing the documents you have requested. Access charges are charged at a rate of $0.25 for each A4 black and white page and $8.35 for each 15 minutes or part thereof for inspection of the documents.
Right to Information application fees and charges are in accordance with the Right to Information Regulation 2009 and are GST exempt.
Processing charges can be waived if the application can be finalised in less than five hours. QRIDA can waive the processing charges associated within an application if an individual holds a current health care card or pensioner concession card under the Social Security Act 1991 (Cwth), or a pensioner concession card issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs (Cwth).
The Office of the Information Commissioner can decide to waive the processing charges for a non-profit organisation. For more information please contact (07) 3005 7155.
Processing times
Once QRIDA receives your application and all of the requirements (as listed above), a decision will be made about your application within 25 business days. A further 10 business days is added for consultations with third parties pursuant to section 37 of the Right to Information Act.
Making an access or amendment application to your own personal information
For information on how to access or amend documents that relate to your personal information please see information privacy.
Dissatisfied with the decision review
The Right to Information Act and Information Privacy Act provide for two levels of review:
Internal review
An internal review must be applied for within 20 days from the date you were given the notice of the decision. The official status or rank of the officer conducting the review is required to be at least as high as that of the officer who made the original decision. The agency must finalise this review within 20 business days of receipt of your application. Applications for internal review should be directed to:
RTI/IP Internal Review Officer
RTI and Privacy Unit
Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority
GPO Box 211
External review
Under the Right to Information Act and Information Privacy Act you are not required to seek an internal review prior to applying for an external review by the Information Commissioner. If you choose to apply firstly for an internal review and are dissatisfied with the decision, you have 20 business days from the date you received the notice of the results of the internal review to apply for external review. If you choose to proceed straight to external review, you must apply for such within 20 business days from the date you were given the original notice of decision from the agency. Applications for external review should be directed to:
Office of the Information Commissioner
PO Box 10143
Adelaide Street
Contact us
If you need further information or assistance with any part of the Right to Information application process, please contact:
RTI and Privacy Unit
Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority
GPO Box 211