Drought support

The Drought Assistance Programs have been developed to help primary producers prepare, manage, recover and mitigate the impacts of drought.

QRIDA drought support

QRIDA drought support

Drought assistance in Queensland has been broadened and is open to eligible primary producers across all agricultural sectors, to better manage future droughts without needing a drought declaration.

QRIDA is delivering the drought grants and loans with the new drought programs focused on fostering greater preparedness and business resilience for a broader range of eligible Queensland primary producers.

These measures will be available in any year, regardless of drought status. Select any of the QRIDA drought grant or loan programs below to read more, including eligibility and how to apply.

About the Drought Programs

The drought program reforms are the Queensland Government’s response to the Queensland Drought Program Review and will also deliver Queensland’s obligations under the National Drought Agreement.

These Queensland Drought Assistance Programs are delivered through QRIDA and are funded by the Queensland Government. The Farm Business Resilience Program and the Farm Management Grants are jointly funded through the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and the Queensland Government.

Have you developed your Farm Business Resilience Plan yet? 

Did you know that 95% of applicants who create a plan with the assistance of the Farm Business Resilience Program meet the requirements of this Scheme prior to accessing this financial support? We strongly recommend you seek the assistance of the free Farm Business Resilience Program best suited to your industry. Click here for the list of program providers.

How QRIDA assess Farm Business Resilience Plans

Under the Drought Preparedness Grants and related drought Schemes, QRIDA is required to assess submitted Farm Business Resilience Plans (FBRP) to ensure that they are satisfactory. 

QRIDA assesses each submitted FBRP against six (6) criteria as outlined below.

In QRIDA’s view, an acceptable FBRP will: 

  1. Present a long term view in that the plan will be useful to you beyond just the Drought Preparedness Grant or loan application process.

    The plan will include strategies and actions (projects) that are outside the term of the current Drought Preparedness Grant or loan application projects. FBRPs which are written purely to support a grant or loan application are unlikely to be acceptable.
  2. Describe logical steps that outline your key risk (not just drought) management processes. The plan should address all key risks for your business.  It is a tool to help you; your staff and your family to manage your business.
  3. Include identifiable triggers (e.g. green date; key rain dates; pasture budget triggers; etc) which, when reached, link to a specific action or set of actions (e.g. sell older cows; wean early; etc) for your key business risks.
  4. Include measurable outcomes of proposed strategies and actions (projects) linked to the key risk management steps (e.g. installing three (3) additional watering points in Paddock A will allow us to retain our breeders during dry times and maintain reproduction rates of at least 85% every year). 

    These measurable outcomes ensure that strategies and actions can be monitored and evaluated for effectiveness.
  5. Include a framework for monitoring and evaluating strategies and actions. Actions are only useful if you can assess their effectiveness in managing your key risks. Your FBRP is a living document and should be modified based on your evaluation of its effectiveness.
  6. Be such that anyone could walk in and implement it in the subject business. If the FBRP adequately satisfies the previous five criteria anyone could effectively implement the specific risk management strategies identified in your FBRP.

    You should not need to be there to make decisions, as the plan clearly identifies the actions to be taken in response to particular risk triggers. If the key risks are identified and the responses and triggers to managing those risks are documented, anyone who reads your plan should know what to do to manage those key risks. 

It is good to keep in mind that an acceptable FBRP will be useful regardless of whether there is a loan or grant scheme available. The plan will help you to manage your business and will help your accountant, your bank and other service providers to support you in your enterprise.

Farm Management Grants

Farm Management Grants offer primary producers a 50 per cent rebate on the cost of eligible professional advice up to a maximum $2,500 to produce a Farm Business Resilience Plan for their property.

Drought Preparedness Grants

Drought Preparedness Grants offer up to $50,000 as a co-contribution grant to assist primary producers undertake new permanent infrastructure activities that will improve the drought preparedness of their property.

Drought Ready and Recovery Finance Loans

Drought Ready and Recovery Finance Loans offer a loan of up to $250,000 to help primary production businesses undertake drought ready and recovery activities and improve drought resilience. 

Emergency Drought Assistance Loans

Emergency Drought Assistance Loans offer interest free loans of up to $50,000 for primary producers to assist in meeting working capital expenses.

Drought Carry-on Finance Loans

Drought Carry-on Finance Loans offer up to $250,000 to help primary producers that have been significantly financially affected by drought with carry-on finance assistance. 

Additional support

Restructure your farm debt

Tackle farm debt head on with QRIDA’s Farm Business Analysis Assistance program. The free, no obligation program aims to get primary producers and financers back around the table to identify financial problems, rethink strategies and come up with options and recommendations to resolve underlying debt issues including debt restructure.

QRIDA Sustainability Loan 

QRIDA Sustainability Loan may be used as the co-contribution to the Drought Preparedness Grant for implementation activities and may help you to mitigate the impact of drought by improving the water and feed infrastructure of your primary production enterprise. Learn what property developments you can carry out to reduce the impact of drought on your farming business be getting in touch below.

Already a QRIDA client and need help?

If you’re struggling to meet your repayments due to the effects of drought, contact QRIDA to find out how we can help you alleviate financial pressure. Every farm business is different, so we assess you on your situation to find a tailored solution.

Your health and wellbeing 

Need to talk? Take care of your health and wellbeing by contacting one of the many support networks available for people in rural and remote areas: 

Last updated: 03 March 2025