Frequently asked questions

QRIDA has developed a wide range of frequently asked questions to help you find the answer you need. View them here.

Two people stood in field. Cattle in background.

View FAQS for QRIDA programs and services here.

  • Following your initial application and rebate payment, you will need to submit subsequent applications for rebates at an interval of your choosing, either quarterly, half-yearly or yearly.

  • A Farm Business Resilience Plan will be requested within a reasonable period of time. A Farm Business Resilience Plan helps to:

    • recognise risks associated with production, including climate and weather (such as drought)
    • identify business risks, including financial and market factors, and how to respond to those risks and
    • understand personal risks such as workplace health and safety.

    DAF have a range or resources available including a Farm Business Resilience Plan template, guidance notes and an informational video on how to complete your plan.

  • Yes. However, you must be operating separate primary production enterprises under separate Australian Business Numbers (ABN). As part of the assessment, QRIDA will confirm these are eligible separate businesses.

  • Primary producer means:

    • a sole trader who spends the majority of their labour on, and derives the majority of their income from a primary production enterprise; or
    • in relation to a partnership, company or trust that carries on a primary production enterprise, the partners in the partnership, shareholders in the company or beneficiaries of the trust who spend the majority of their labour on, and derive the majority of their income from, the primary production enterprise. 
  • Primary producer means:

    • a sole trader who
      • spends the majority of the person’s labour on a primary production enterprise; and
      • either
        • derives the majority of the person’s income from the primary production enterprise; or
        • in the opinion of the authority, based on the demonstrated production potential of the primary production enterprise, will eventually derive the majority of the person’s income from the primary production enterprise; or
    • a partnership, company or trust that carries on a primary production enterprise, any partners, shareholders, or beneficiaries
      • spend the majority of their labour on a primary production enterprise; and
      • either
        • derive the majority of their income from the primary production enterprise; or
        • in the opinion of the authority, based on the demonstrated production potential of the primary production enterprise, will eventually derive the majority of their income from the primary production enterprise.
  • Primary producer means:

    • a sole trader who spends the majority of his or her labour on, and derives the majority of his or her income from a primary production enterprise; or
    • in relation to a partnership, proprietary company or trust that carries on a primary production enterprise, any partner in the partnership, shareholder in the company or trustee of the trust who spends the majority of their labour on, and derives the majority of their income from, the primary production enterprise.
  • Jobs are to be calculated as Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Staff.

    Full time work is 35 hours per week or more. If your project will employ casual or part time workers, calculate the number of hours to be worked by these employees and divide that total by 35 to determine full time equivalents.

    For example, seven casual employees working 10 hours per week totalling 70 hours per week, equates to two full time employees.

  • Yes, you are able to claim assistance for the actual costs of any additional labour or fuel and oil incurred in the use of this plant and equipment for clean-up and reinstatement activities for the disaster event.

  • Yes. Costs associated with these items are eligible for assistance to enable you to immediately resume your business. However, the ongoing purchase of fodder is generally not eligible. 

  • Yes, a nursery is regarded as an eligible primary producer if they propagate the majority of their stock for sale. If the nursery is largely a retail outlet and principally sells other producers' stock, it would be regarded as a small business and may be eligible for that assistance.

  • Yes. Eligible organisations seeking advice on behalf of land holders may be eligible for a rebate. Organisations seeking to apply on this basis must obtain the written consent of the land holder. 

  • Yes. You are required to start providing taxi services using your new wheelchair accessible taxi within three months after receiving a grant under the scheme. (A longer period may be approved by QRIDA if required).

    If you do not use the new wheelchair accessible taxi to provide a taxi service for a period of at least three years, you will be required to repay assistance received on a pro-rata basis. You must provide the taxi service under a taxi service licence with a wheelchair accessible taxi condition that you either own or lease.

    For vehicles approved under Class 4, if you do not use the new wheelchair accessible taxi under the current licence for a period of at least three years, you will be required to repay assistance received on a pro-rata basis.

  • Yes. Once you have been engaged by a landholder and provided written advice which complies with the CFAS standards, the landholder will submit the written advice and completed invoice to QRIDA as a claim for financial assistance. 

    QRIDA will pay the invoice amount including GST, up to the value of $10,000, directly to you.

    If the invoice is for an amount greater than $10,000, this will be the responsibility of the landholder. 

  • Yes, if your insurance claim is being delayed, you can apply for a loan to reinstate your business before your claim is finalised. If any expenses included in your loan are later recovered from insurance, QRIDA will require these amounts be repaid to your loan.

  • Yes. Individual applicants are eligible to apply for their share of costs associated with joint activities for eligible purposes. Full details and evidence of payment of these collaborative activities will need to be provided to QRIDA. 

  • Yes. The service is not restricted by the presence of existing facilities.

  • The Scheme does not cover repairing houses or repairing or replacing household goods.

    However, you can apply for assistance to repair buildings that are not used as a dwelling. The repair of buildings must be essential for the immediate resumption of the primary production enterprise. 


  • No, reduced profit is not an eligible purpose under the Disaster Assistance Loan. 

  • Yes, in limited circumstances funds can be used to refinance a commercial loan.

  • An applicant may only receive one rebate per entity (based on ABN) for advice under the program. 

  • No.

  • Yes. You may claim operating costs for additional labour and for fuel and oil costs associated with repairing damage. However, funding may not be used to repair farm machinery damaged while undertaking repair works.

  • No, grant funding is only eligible for projects approved under the scheme. Approved projects must not have been started (or completed) at the time of applying.

  • If you have already spent your own funds for eligible purposes under the scheme, these funds can comprise part or all of your matched co-contribution – you will just need to provide official tax invoices and receipts to confirm this spending.

    You will be reimbursed for 50 per cent of the funds already spent, up to the maximum grant amount of $150,000.

    You are not limited to only applying for the amount that you have already spent (unless it exceeds the maximum grant amount). If you have further sources of co-contribution you are able to apply for additional grant funds up to the maximum amount of $150,000.

Last updated: 04 June 2024

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