Governance Framework
QRIDA's Governance Framework ensures our functions are delivered transparently, fairly, responsibly and accountably.

Functions and powers
The functions and powers of the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) as defined in the Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994 and the Farm Business Debt Mediation Act 2017, are to:
put approved assistance schemes into effect, and ensure the schemes are properly and fairly administered
arrange for education, training and advice to applicants under approved assistance schemes
negotiate for assistance funding with all levels of government
carry out research into, and develop policies on, and give advice to the Minister on issues affecting people likely to receive assistance including financial performance and sustainability of the rural and regional sector and proposed assistance schemes, for rural and regional Queensland
administer authorised interstate, and Australian Government schemes
ensure a survey of rural indebtedness in Queensland (a rural debt survey) is conducted on a cyclical basis
administer the Farm Debt Restructure Office to assist a farmer in financial distress; and
administer a Farm Business Debt Mediation program to provide an efficient and equitable way for farmers and mortgagees to resolve matters relating to farm business debts.
Corporate governance structure
To ensure its functions are delivered transparently, fairly, responsibly and accountably, the following constitutes QRIDA's corporate governance structure:
Responsible Minister | The QRIDA Board reports to the Minister for Natural Resources and Mines, Minister for Manufacturing and Minister for Regional and Rural Development, currently the Hon. Dale Last MP. |
QRIDA Board | The QRIDA Board is appointed by Governor in Council, and is accountable to the Minister for the way QRIDA performs its functions, and exercises its powers. The QRIDA Board also decides the strategies and policies to be followed by QRIDA and to ensure that QRIDA performs its function in a proper, effective and efficient way. The QRIDA Board is the employer of all QRIDA staff. |
QRIDA Board Committees | Audit and Risk Management Committee
Debt Management Committee |
Chief Executive Officer |
Executive Leadership Team | Supports the Chief Executive Officer in the overall leadership and management of QRIDA and ensures QRIDA’s operations support the Strategic Plan. The Executive Leadership Team comprises:
Significant governance strategies
Strategy | Approval authority | Explanation |
Strategic Plan | Minister | The Strategic Plan articulates QRIDA’s vision, purpose, and value proposition to clients, stakeholders, and our staff. |
Operational Plan | Chief Executive Officer | The Operational Plan provides the direction for the implementation and responsibilities for the achievement of the Strategic Plan. |
Annual Administration Budget | Minister | The annual administration budget identifies QRIDA’s planned revenues, expenses, assets, liabilities, and cash resources for the funding of its services. |
Risk Management Framework and Risk Register | QRIDA Board | The Risk Management Framework details the policy, responsibilities, processes and tools that QRIDA uses to identify, manage, monitor, and report its risks, and subsequent mitigations. |
Complaints Management | QRIDA Board | The Complaints Management Framework reaffirms QRIDA’s commitment to the unbiased investigation, efficient management and fair resolution of complaints in a principled way that is compatible with human rights considerations. |
Fraud and Corruption Control | QRIDA Board | The Fraud and Corruption Control Framework incorporates QRIDA’s policy statement, Fraud and Corruption Control Plan and procedures for the management, investigation and reporting of fraud and corruption matters. It outlines the rationale, approach and integration of fraud and corruption prevention and control within QRIDA. |
Delegations | QRIDA Board and Chief Executive Officer | In the Delegations Policies, the QRIDA Board assigns authority to the Chief Executive Officer to carry out program actions and provide approvals for human resources and financial transactions. Subsequently, the Chief Executive Officer sub-delegates this authority to appropriate officers within QRIDA based upon risk and operational requirements. |
Emergency Business Continuity and Management Plan | Chief Executive Officer | This plan is a critical component of QRIDA’s risk management framework, and specifies the activities to be taken in the effective management during, and recovery from, a disruption to QRIDA’s operations. |
Legislative Compliance Matrix and the Compliance and Policy Framework | QRIDA Board | The compliance framework identifies the laws, regulations, and guidelines of which QRIDA must comply, and identifies primary responsibilities for this compliance. |
Significant governance reporting
Report topic | Frequency | Prepared by | Report to |
Report on Significant Activities of QRIDA | Quarterly | QRIDA Board | Minister |
Report on Administrative/Operational Activities of QRIDA | Monthly | Chief Executive Officer | QRIDA Board |
Report on Financial Performance of QRIDA | Monthly | Chief Executive Officer | QRIDA Board |
Annual Report of QRIDA, including Annual Financial Statements | Annually | QRIDA Board | Minister |
Work Health and Safety Report | Quarterly | Chief Executive Officer | QRIDA Board |
QRIDA Risk Register | Quarterly | Chief Executive Officer | QRIDA Board |
QRIDA Program/Scheme Performance | Monthly | Chief Executive Officer | QRIDA Board |
QRIDA Account Management/Arrears Report | Quarterly | Chief Executive Officer | QRIDA Board |
Performance Against Strategic Plan Strategies | Monthly | Chief Executive Officer | QRIDA Board |
Service Delivery Statements (as part of State Budget) | Annually | Chief Executive Officer | Minister |