Public Interest Disclosure Statement
The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010 (PID Act) provides unique protections from reprisal for QRIDA officers disclosing information in the public interest.

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010 (PID Act) includes:
- maladministration
- waste of public funds
- negligent or improper management and
- a danger to public health, safety or the environment.
In certain circumstances the PID Act also provides protection to members of the community who make a public interest disclosure about a danger to:
- public health and safety (including to the health or safety of a person with a disability)
- the environment
- a reprisal.
The QRIDA Public Interest Disclosure Framework supports the principles in the PID Act including:
QRIDA is committed to operating openly and transparently. To support professional and ethical standards QRIDA is committed to ensuring public interest disclosures (PIDs) are properly assessed, investigated and actioned.
QRIDA will promote employee awareness and implement appropriate procedures to support QRIDA’s commitment and the appropriate management of PIDs.
QRIDA will maintain confidentiality of the matters or information provided as a PID including the person providing the information, except where disclosure is permitted under the PID Act.
Process (receiving a PID and management)
How to lodge a PID:
Call: 1800 623 946 - request to speak with the Chief Operating Officer.
Public Interest Disclosures Officer
GPO Box 211
Brisbane 4001
In person at QRIDA head office:
Request to speak with the Chief Operating Officer.
Level 26
32 Turbot Street
Brisbane QLD
QRIDA’s preferred process for receiving a PID as outlined above in “how to lodge a PID” does not negate a discloser’s right to make the disclosure to:
- the Minister for Natural Resources and Mines, Minister for Manufacturing and Minister for Regional and Rural Development (Minister responsible for QRIDA)
- the CEO of QRIDA
- a member of the QRIDA Board
- a manager who directly or indirectly supervises or manages the discloser
- a QRIDA officer who has the function of receiving or taking action on the type of information being disclosed e.g. Workplace Health and Safety Officer (where there is a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety).
QRIDA will provide to the discloser reasonable information on how the PID is to be managed and progressed including:
- timeframes for the review
- progress of investigation
- the discloser’s involvement in any investigation
- confidentiality requirements
- protection under the Act
- how they will be advised of the outcomes of the PID.