Frequently asked questions

QRIDA has developed a wide range of frequently asked questions to help you find the answer you need. View them here.

Two people stood in field. Cattle in background.

View FAQS for QRIDA programs and services here.

  • Grant funding is not guaranteed at any stage of the application process and applications will be assessed on a competitive basis.

  • Grant funding is not guaranteed at any stage of the application process and QRIDA is only able to approve applications subject to the availability of funds.

  • A Deed of Priority may be required by your commercial bank to formalise the loan security arrangements between lenders. This request will require QRIDA to undertake an assessment of your business and the security position proposed. To discuss this with QRIDA, please email and your Portfolio Manager will be in contact to discuss.

  • Loss of income is not eligible under the Extraordinary Disaster Assistance Recovery Grant scheme or Special Disaster Assistance Recovery Grant scheme.  If your business has not experienced direct damage, but has suffered a significant loss of income as a result of the disaster event you may be eligible to apply for a Disaster Assistance (Essential Working Capital) Loan.

  • No. Loss of income is not eligible under this scheme.  This assistance is available to help with costs of clean-up and reinstatement caused by direct damage from the disaster event. 

    However, if your enterprise has not experienced direct damage, but has suffered a significant loss of income as a result of the Queensland Bushfires, September - December 2019, you may be eligible to apply for an Extraordinary Bushfire Assistance Loan of up to $500,000. 

  • If there are any changes to your circumstances, you must contact QRIDA on Freecall 1800 623 946 or email as this may change your eligibility to be an Approved Adviser. 

    Should it be determined that you no longer meet the eligibility for an Approved Adviser, you will be advised in writing where a decision has been taken to suspend of cancel approval. This letter will detail the reasons and justification which informed this decision. 

  • Loss of income is not eligible under the Special Disaster Assistance Recovery Grant scheme. If your business has not experienced direct damage, but has suffered a significant loss of income as a result of the disaster event you may be eligible to apply for a Disaster Assistance (Essential Working Capital) Loan.

  • No. To be eligible for assistance, your vehicle must be at least 6 years old, have an odometer reading of at least 800,000kms and repairs with an estimated cost of $10,000 (excluding GST) determined in writing by a mechanic, panel beater or other relevant tradesperson. You may be able to apply in subsequent funding rounds of this scheme once your vehicle has reached the age requirement.

  • The application form will ask you to nominate how much of the water usage shown on your irrigation invoice is applicable to horticulture. You will need to provide information to support the amount you have nominated.

    If you are unable to provide information that demonstrates water usage applicable to horticulture you will be required to provide details of the land areas under horticulture and non-horticulture production. QRIDA will use this information to calculate your rebate amount using relevant Australian Bureau of Statistics irrigation water application rates.

    Please refer to the question on information to be provided with a rebate application for examples of information and evidence that may be provided to support your application.

  • Loss of income is not eligible under the Extraordinary Disaster Assistance Recovery Grant scheme.

  • Yes, you should provide supporting information to assist in confirming all water allocations and any usage shown on your irrigation invoice were used to irrigate horticultural crops.

    Please refer to the question on information to be provided with a rebate application below for examples of information and evidence that may be provided to support your application.

  • Yes. You can claim freight costs associated with purchasing replacement livestock or planting materials provided you have not been reimbursed for these costs by any other subsidies available from government agencies or charitable organisations.

    It’s recommended that you first consider accessing the Flood Freight Subsidy Restocking and Agistment Scheme (FFSRA) administered by the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

    Further information on the FFSRA is available on the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries website.

  • QRIDA Sustainability Loan may be able to help fund the remainder of your project. These loans offer up to $1.3 million and can help you invest in the latest infrastructure to create a viable future for your farming business including activities that improve farming system sustainability, natural resource sustainability and financial sustainability. Eligibility criteria apply.

  • Yes, however, you will need to provide satisfactory evidence of damage to your premises evidencing that you are unable to conduct your operations from that site and of costs associated with leasing or renting the temporary premises.

  • Yes, however, you will need to provide satisfactory evidence of damage to your premises evidencing that you are unable to conduct your operations from that site and of costs associated with leasing or renting the temporary premises.

  • The SPOT Trace unit is a Category A unit. Category B units are YB3i (RockFLEET), Skywave IDP690, IDP800, Orbcomm ST6100, CLS Triton ADV, Thrane & Thrane 3027 and Furuno Felcom-16.

  • Questions concerning your personal taxation circumstances should be directed to your taxation advisor or the Australian Taxation Office on 13 72 86.

  • Farm Business Analysis Assistance includes an assessment of past, present and projected position of the farm business summarised in a report. The report includes analysis and options based on the current and potential future of the business. The service is provided free of charge to the producer.

  • The categories are: 

    • taxi and limousine operators (including wheelchair accessible taxi operators) 
    • taxi and limousine licence holders 
    • authorised booking entities that provide booking services predominantly for taxis or limousines. 

    Please refer to the Scheme Guidelines for full details of eligibility requirements under each category. 

  • The rebate applies to the following charges:

    • allocation charges (Part A and Part C),
    • usage charges (Part B and Part D), and
    • access charges.
  • The terms and conditions of your loan were provided to you with your facility letter (loan agreement) that you signed when you took up the loan. View the general loan conditions.

  • If you are successful in receiving a grant you will be required to enter into a legally binding funding agreement with QRIDA. For more information on your grant obligations please read the guidelines.

  • In addition to a completed application, applicants must provide QRIDA with: 

    • Fishing licence authority number(s); 
    • Evidence of the purchase of approved vessel tracking unit(s) including: 
      • Tax invoices showing full details of the unit(s) and (if claimed) installation costs; 
      • Evidence of payment for these invoices in the form of a bank statement, bank receipt or official receipt from the supplier; and 
      • Serial number of the vessel tracking unit(s) (the number registered within FishNet SECURE). 
  • The cost usually includes the mediator’s fees, mediator’s out of pocket expenses such as travel, accommodation, phone and facsimile costs, together with any hire fee for the venue. The fee rate usually charged by the mediator is published on the Register of Mediators.

    Each party to a mediation must pay -

    • the party’s own costs for the mediation and
    • half of the mediator’s fee and costs for the mediation.

Last updated: 04 June 2024