Frequently asked questions

QRIDA has developed a wide range of frequently asked questions to help you find the answer you need. View them here.

Two people stood in field. Cattle in background.

View FAQS for QRIDA programs and services here.

  • No. Applicants are only eligible for the rebate if they have purchased an approved vessel tracking unit. Please refer to the full list of eligible unit models in Table 1 of the Fisheries Queensland Vessel Tracking Installation and Maintenance Standard. 

  • Only eligible vessel tracking units purchased between 1 June 2018 and 30 June 2022 can be claimed under this scheme.

  • To be eligible for an operator payment, you must be listed as the ultimate lessee in the TMR’s register. 

    If you have not notified TMR of the leasing arrangements, or if TMR's record of your lease was not up to date on 16 June 2020, contact your local Passenger Transport Office (PTO) to update the record of your leasing arrangements. 

    Any evidence you provide with your application regarding the circumstances of the lease will be reviewed before determining whether you are eligible for assistance. 

  • Fishers who have sustained direct damage to fishing equipment and vessels as a result of the disaster may be eligible for assistance. Assistance is not however available to compensate for loss of income due to inability to fish because of the event.

    If your business has not experienced direct damage, but has suffered a significant loss of income or other impacts as a result of the disaster event, you may be eligible to apply for a Disaster Assistance (Essential Working Capital) Loan.

  • You are not able to claim assistance for the use of your own equipment, for example dry hire or the cost of your own labour. 

    You may however claim for any additional labour or fuel, oil and other costs incurred in the use of this equipment. Fuel, machinery and operator costs incurred as a result of the eligible disaster can be detailed using the Fuel Calculator Schedule within the application form. 

  • Yes. Applicants have the right to a review of their eligibility decision and are required to respond in a formal appeal letter within 30 business days.

  • Yes, QRIDA’s online application form accommodates all categories of the scheme and you should submit only one application. The online form will guide you through the process of applying. 

    If however, the categories to which you are a party are in different names you should submit separate applications. 

  • No. If you cannot demonstrate the amount of water used specifically for horticultural crops you will be asked questions about the land areas under horticultural and non-horticultural crops. QRIDA will use this information and relevant Australian Bureau of Statistics irrigation water application rates to calculate your rebate. More information on the formula to make this calculation is available in the supplementary information.

  • Yes, however only one grant is available per taxi service licence. QRIDA is unable to approve multiple applications made under a single eligible taxi licence. If an owner or operator has multiple WAT’s they can make applications for each vehicle if they meet the criteria.

  • No, you are unable to claim the same direct damage expenses under both the grant and loan scheme. However, if you are an eligible primary producer and your expenses have exceeded the amount of assistance available under the grants scheme, you can seek loan assistance for the expenses that were not covered by the grant. 

  • You cannot rely on anything said or done at mediation or notes prepared beforehand and relied on by parties including the mediator at mediation.

  • If your main source of income is not from primary production, you may still be eligible if:

    1. your business would usually meet the income requirements but does not currently due to drought or long lead times to full production, with the expectation to earn majority of income from primary production within three years; and
    2. if your off-farm income (per person) is less than $100,000 per year.

    Should you seek to apply under this criterion, QRIDA shall& generally require full financial information (financial statements, management records and tax returns) plus a business plan and forecast cashflows to evidence how and when your primary production business shall represent your main source of income.

    The guidelines have changed, please get in contact with QRIDA to discuss.

  • No, QRIDA will calculate the rebate amount from the information you provide.

    You may view the formulas used by QRIDA in calculating rebates in the Supplementary Information about the scheme.

  • Yes. As part of the service one on-farm visit is mandatory to ensure your commitment to the service provided and to enable the independent consultant to fully understand your business position and financial challenges.

  • No, replanting is not an eligible use of this grant funding.

  • It is subject to certain exemptions provided for in the Act. Confidentiality applies to matters discussed or agreed at mediation meetings including anything done for the purpose of arranging or following up a mediation.

  • No. QRIDA will pay 50 percent of invoice amounts for items claimed, exclusive of GST. This is because you will be able to claim the GST component of your purchases when you lodge your Business Activity Statement with the Australian Taxation Office.

  • No. However the Farm Debt Restructure Office will undertake a follow up review to understand what options, if any, have been implemented.

  • Assistance amounts provided under the scheme will be calculated on the invoice amount excluding GST.

    (You may be eligible to claim this GST component as part of your normal Business Activity Statement (BAS) submissions).

  • If you are registered for GST, the rebate will be calculated on the invoice amount excluding GST. You may be eligible to claim the GST component as part of your normal Business Activity Statement (BAS) submissions. 

    If you are not registered for GST, the assistance will be calculated on the invoice amount including GST.

  • No, QRIDA will pay invoice amounts for items claimed, exclusive of GST. This is because you will be able to claim the GST component of your purchases when you lodge your Business Activity Statement with the Australian Taxation Office.

  • No. Rebates are only available to help offset the cost of seeking eligible professional advice to develop a Farm Business Resilience Plan.  

    If you are eligible, the Drought Preparedness Grant, or a Sustainability Loan may be used to fund activities identified within the Farm Business Resilience Plan.

  • No. Rebates are only available to help offset the cost of seeking advice about undertaking a carbon farming project on your land. Rebates are not provided for implementing the actions provided in the advice. 

  • The Australian Government has made the grant assistance received under this scheme non-assessable, non-exempt income. You do not pay tax on non‑assessable, non-exempt income and you do not include the amount when you work out your tax loss.

    Grant assistance received under this scheme is also not subject to GST.

    Please seek advice from your accountant and/or the Australian Tax Office on 1800 806 218 if you have further questions about your individual situation.

Last updated: 04 June 2024