Frequently asked questions

QRIDA has developed a wide range of frequently asked questions to help you find the answer you need. View them here.

Two people stood in field. Cattle in background.

View FAQS for QRIDA programs and services here.

  • Visit the QRIDA forms and downloads page or read about what forms are listed in the Mediation Information Package (PDF, 294KB).

  • Find an accredited mediator on the Farm Business Debt Mediation page.

  • Freecall 1800 623 946 for assistance with your loan application. Alternatively, your accountant, bank or financial or business advisor may also be able to assist with your application also.

  • Mediation meetings are to be conducted at a place and time that is reasonably convenient to the farmer.

  • Mediators are accredited by QRIDA and are an independent third party who facilitates the negotiation by the parties of their own solution to the dispute. Find a mediator here.

  • Local Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) Industry Development Officers are available to assist with your Rural Economic Development Grant application and the development and planning of your rural economic project and business.

    South QLD – DAF 

    Stephanie Denman, Principal Agribusiness Development Officer, North Burnett, South Burnett, Gympie, Fraser Coast and Cherbourg council areas

    • 0431 862 372  


    Zane Nicholls, Senior Agribusiness Development Officer, Sunshine Coast, Noosa and Moreton council areas

    • 0412 032 965  


    Peter Broomhall, Senior Agribusiness Development Officer, Goondiwindi, and Southern Downs council areas

    • 0467 801 186


    Clinton McGrath, Senior Agribusiness Development Officer, Somerset, Lockyer Valley and Toowoomba council areas

    • 0428 102 319  


    David Hickey, Senior Agribusiness Development Officer, Murweh, Paroo, Bulloo, Quilpie, Maranoa and Balonne council areas

    • 0427 427 503  


    Jamie Gorry, Regional Director, South

    • 0439 739 663 


    Phill Ryan, Manager, Regional Agribusiness Development

    • 0419 778 437


    Rolfe Ellem, Senior Agribusiness Development Officer, Bundaberg and North Burnett

    • 0448 362 639


    Emma Knight, Senior Agribusiness Development Officer, Western Downs 

    • 0436 923 955


    Robert (Bob) Nissen, Senior Agribusiness Development Officer, Redlands, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Scenic Rim, Logan and Ipswich

    • 0491 809 825



    Central QLD – DAF

    Fleur Anderson, Regional Director, Central

    • 0499 830 344


    Catie Loch, Senior Agribusiness Development Officer (Rockhampton and Livingstone Council areas

    • 0436 942 958


    Jessamine Crawford, Senior Agribusiness Development Officer (Central Highlands & Woorabinda Council areas)

    • 0499 769 707


    Ron Downing, A/Manager Regional Agribusiness Development (Central QLD)

    • 0436 918 810


    Timothy Harrison, Manager, Regional Agribusiness Strategy

    • 0467 782 126



    North QLD - DAF 

    Peter Holden, Principal Agribusiness Development Officer (Ag Strategy) (FNQ and Atherton Tablelands)

    • (07) 4017 0736


    Greg Mason, Senior Agribusiness Development Officer (FNQ, Atherton Tablelands, Gulf)

    • (07) 4241 8208


    Tim McGrath, Senior Agribusiness Development Officer (FNQ, Atherton Tablelands, Gulf and Cape York)

    • (07) 4241 8208


    Brock Dembowski, Senior Agribusiness Development Officer (NQ – Burdekin, Hinchinbrook and North West Qld)

    • 0467 819 592


    Aileen Eccles, Manager Regional Agribusiness Development (NQ , Burdekin, Hinchinbrook and North West Qld)

    • 0417 794 929


    Michael Heidenreich, Manager, Regional Agribusiness Strategy, Cairns

    • 0427 553 496



  • On the basis that a mediator has been agreed to, it is the responsibility of the mortgagee to then ask the chosen mediator to arrange the mediation. This includes the time and location of the mediation and the coordination of mediation meetings.

  • Either the farmer or the mortgagee can initiate mediation by:

    • the mortgagee serving an Enforcement Action Notice along with a copy of the mediation information package to the farmer or
    • the farmer giving a Request for Mediation Notice to the mortgagee whether or not they are in default. This request does not necessarily need to be in the approved form.
  • The parties to mediation are the mortgagee, the farmer and the mediator. Other participants are advisors, who may be your accountant, solicitor, your local Rural Financial Counsellor or some other appropriately qualified person.

  • The farmer is responsible for nominating three (3) mediators in order of preference from the Register of Mediators.

  • The scheme guidelines require that all COVID loans with an approved value of more than $100,000 needed to be secured by a General Security Agreement on the PPSR.

  • In order to give you the best chance of success, QRIDA needs to understand the historical performance of your business, your current position and your plan moving forward. Without this information, QRIDA would be unable to determine the level of assistance you need and your prospects of returning to a viable business with the assistance provided. 

  • Yes. To be eligible for the rebate, all vessel tracking units must be registered on FishNet SECURE.

    FishNet SECURE can be accessed via the following link: 

    Note: You are required to register your vessel tracking unit to the associated licence and boat mark (and if on a tender, the tender number) on FishNet SECURE. Registering your vessel tracking unit on FishNet SECURE will not activate the unit with your airtime provider (e.g. CLS Oceania, Pivotel or Pole Star).

  • Yes. The independent consultant may need to clarify information around the nature and terms of the businesses term debt to establish a more accurate picture of the enterprise for the report.

  • Primary producer means:

    • a sole trader who -
      • spends the majority of their labour on a primary production enterprise; and
      • either –
        1. derives the majority of their income from the primary production enterprise; or
        2. in the opinion of QRIDA, based on the demonstrated production potential of the primary production enterprise, will eventually derive the majority of their incomes from the primary production enterprise
    • in relation to a partnership, company or trust that carries on a primary production enterprise for which the partners, shareholders or beneficiaries –
      • spend the majority of their labour on a primary production enterprise; and
      • either –
        1. derive the majority of their income from the primary production enterprise; or
        2. in the opinion of QRIDA, based on the demonstrated production potential of the primary production enterprise, will eventually derive the majority of their incomes from the primary production enterprise.

    This definition is specific to the Scheme Guidelines and is not influenced by external definitions of a primary producer, such as that used by the Australian Taxation Office.

    During the course of assessment, QRIDA may contact an applicant for further information to establish eligibility under the Scheme definition of a primary producer. QRIDA may also utilise information, tools or data from sources such as (but not limited to):             

    • FORAGE Long-Term Carrying Capacity reports (The Long Paddock, Queensland Government)
    • Federal and/or State Departments of Agriculture
    • Meat & Livestock Australia
    • Australian Wool Exchange
    • Australian Banana Growers Council
    • Horticulture Innovation Australia
    • AgriFutures Australia
    • Pork Australia
    • Queensland Sugar
    • Canegrowers
    • GrainCorp
    • Queensland Cotton
    • Australian Macadamia Society
    • Targeted industry Market Outlook and Commodity pricing data (e.g. Market Information Services, Kynetec)
  • Applicants who operate more than one primary production enterprise, for example under a single ABN at separate locations, may apply for assistance for each eligible separate business up to the maximum amount of assistance available for the relevant defined disaster area and determined by the establishment notice.

    When determining an eligible separate business, QRIDA may consider (but is not limited to):

    • the staffing arrangements of the separate property
    • whether the property has its own plant equipment or stock
    • the accounting arrangements of the separate property
    • whether the separate property operates under its own trading name
    • the commercial scale, viability and autonomy of each property.

    QRIDA will consider each application on a case by case basis taking into account the particular circumstances.

  • A certificate of insurance and details of the claim are required to apply for this grant given the grant cannot cover repairs that will be covered by insurance. However, insurance excesses and items that are not covered by insurance may be eligible. 

  • You may be eligible to apply for more than one grant if you were directly affected by both events. Please contact QRIDA 1800 623 946 or email

  • The Extraordinary Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants may be able to assist primary producers in re-establishing topsoil. Please contact QRIDA to discuss your circumstances.

  • Applicants are able to apply for assistance under the scheme in only one of the following capacities:

    1. Primary producer; or
    2. Small business owner; or
    3. Non-profit organisation.
  • You may be able to apply for certain eligible clean-up, reinstatement or relocation costs for your business. Please contact QRIDA for further information and to discuss your individual circumstances.

  • The total project value means the total project cost that involves the capital costs and costs of services procured for the construction of a project, but excludes finance charges, land costs, mobilisation fees to the operations and maintenance contractor/s and the costs payable to the distributor, national transmission company and/or a contractor for the distribution or transmission connection works.

  • To find the list of priority zones and to understand the merit criteria please read the guidelines.

Last updated: 04 June 2024