Frequently asked questions

QRIDA has developed a wide range of frequently asked questions to help you find the answer you need. View them here.

Two people stood in field. Cattle in background.

View FAQS for QRIDA programs and services here.

  • If you believe you are eligible for the Fisheries Structural Adjustment Scheme but have not received any written correspondence from DAF please call 13 25 23 or email

  • To apply for assistance, you will need to download and complete an application form. 

    Please do not send links with your application form. If the file is too large, please send multiple emails or as a zip file attachment. 

    Email your application to or alternatively, please print and post your completed application to QRIDA at the address below:

    GPO Box 211, Brisbane QLD 4001

  • QRIDA will contact you via telephone, email, SMS or post. Should you be concerned about whether contact you have received is genuine, please contact QRIDA on freecall 1800 623 946 and ask to speak with your Portfolio Manager. 

  • If your application is successful QRIDA will pay the funds to your nominated bank account. 

  • If you have queries on the catch history records that have been provided by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries please call 13 25 23 or email 

  • Applicants can choose to surrender any of the following in Round Two: 

    • the fishery symbols ‘C1’, ‘L1’, ‘L2’, ‘L3’, ‘N11’, ‘RQ’, ‘S’, ‘SM’, ‘T1’, ‘T2, ‘T5’, ‘T6’,      ‘T7’, ‘T8’ or ‘T9’; or 
    • a PCFL 

    Applications for Round Two will open on 8 April 2024 and close 30 April 2024, subject to the availability of funding. Applicants will be assessed in priority order after Round Two has closed. 

    To see more information about priority, eligibility, and availability of funding under this Round, please read the guidelines. 

  • Yes, however you can only apply for the premises located in the eligible local government areas.

  • An "essential good" is food, drink or a household item used for domestic purposes, other than:

    • an alcoholic beverage; or
    • bathroom equipment; or
    • confectionery; or
    • clothing; or
    • an electrical appliance; or
    • a kitchen utensil; or
    • manchester; or
    • a soft drink containing sugar; or
    • whitegoods.

    Examples of a household item used for domestic purposes:

    • a household cleaning product, toothpaste, toilet paper

    None of the following is an "essential good":

    • fuel
    • furniture or a furnishing
    • hardware
    • any of the following under the Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998
      • a tobacco product
      • a smokeless tobacco product
      • a personal vaporiser
      • a personal vaporiser related product.
  • An excluded person from providing software and training services in order to claim Establishment Assistance means:

    • an owner or employee of the business
    • a relative, other than a qualified relative, of an owner or employee of the business
    • a related body corporate of an owner of the business
    • another body corporate, if an owner of the business is a director, or holds at least 10% of the issued shares, of the body corporate, and
    • a beneficiary of a trust of which a person mentioned above or a qualified relative of an owner or employee of the business, is trustee.
  • No. Only software installed after the commencement of the Scheme will be considered.

  • QRIDA will contact you via telephone, email, SMS or post. Should you be concerned about whether contact you have received is genuine, please contact QRIDA on Freecall 1800 623 946.

  • Under the Remote Communities Freight Assistance Scheme, an “eligible business” is defined as a business which holds an Australian Business Number, is registered for GST and has a bank account in the name of the business.

  • Questions concerning your personal taxation circumstances should be directed to your taxation adviser or the Australian Taxation Office on 13 72 86.

  • Yes, you are entitled to a decision review. See reviewing a decision for more information. 

  • Direct damage is physical damage that occurred as a result of the event. For example, immediate damage caused by flood water flowing through your property, or damage to a fence because of a bush fire on your property.

    Indirect damage is the losses sustained as a consequence of the disaster. For example, downturn in customer foot traffic from road closures, loss of income or spoilage due to power outages. 

    For direct damage you may be eligible for an Extraordinary Disaster Assistance Recovery Grant and/or a Disaster Assistance Loan. For indirect damage you may be eligible for an Essential Working Capital Disaster Assistance Loan.           

  • The certificate of insurance and details of your claim are required to apply for this grant.  The grant cannot cover repairs that will be covered by insurance. However, items that are not covered, and your excess may be eligible.

  • Yes, we welcome you to apply before you know the outcome.  QRIDA will work with you to determine what damage may be covered by your insurance policy.  
    Please note that assessing applications before finalising insurance claims may take longer than if you were to apply after the insurance outcome is known.

  • Yes. Payment for your nets will be processed when QRIDA receive confirmation of surrender of usable nets from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, up to the length specified in your application.

  • The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries will organise a suitable net collection time, or advise of a local net drop off point, based on the information in your application. If you need to update your net collection information, please contact

  • Yes, you can surrender a usable net, however will not receive assistance for the surrender if you are not an eligible applicant. Please see more information at on the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries website or email

  • No. The payment estimated in your QRIDA application is the maximum amount of assistance that you can receive. Please make sure you accurately measure your nets before submitting an application. 

  • Yes, if the applicant is registered for GST. 

  • Yes, these other nets and materials can be surrendered, however, you will not receive assistance for their surrender. Please visit or email for more information about how to surrender other nets and netting material.

  • Once you have received confirmation from QRIDA that your application has been approved, you will have 12 months to supply QRIDA tax invoices detailing the works completed. Once confirmation that works completed has been approved, QRIDA will pay the approved amount of assistance into your nominated bank account.  

Last updated: 04 June 2024