QRIDA’s must-see stall at this year’s FarmFest

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See QRIDA at FarmFest 2024

17 May 2024

Primary producers interested in a concessional loan to help them establish or improve their farm business should add QRIDA's stall to their FarmFest 2024 to-do list. 

Regional Area Manager for Darling Downs, Kate Dunk, encouraged primary producers to stop by QRIDA’s exhibition at Pavilion 29 inside the AgSmart Connect Hub at the Toowoomba event from 4 to 6 June to find out about the range of QRIDA financial assistance available. 

“Whether you’re interested to find out more about QRIDA’s concessional loans, or you’d like some help determining your eligibility or completing your QRIDA loan application, drop by QRIDA’s exhibition for a chat with myself or one of our other representatives,” Kate said. 

Kate said QRIDA’s First Start Loans were popular amongst farming families and new entrants to the industry to help them grow a viable farm business. 

“QRIDA’s First Start Loans of up to $2 million can help up-and-coming primary producers take over the family farm through succession arrangements or purchase their first property,” Kate said.

Clifton grain grower Maree Gillam received a QRIDA First Start Loan to purchase her first farm and said the concessional interest rate helped her get established in the early stages of her operation.

“You save like no tomorrow to buy the property, and then when you do, you need breathing room,” Maree said.

“The concessional rates get you used to carrying that level of debt and the ins and outs of running a property.”

Maree said her Regional Area Manager for Darling Downs, Kate Dunk, was very knowledgeable about the application process and eligibility requirements for a First Start Loan.

“If you’re thinking about whether you should apply for a QRIDA First Start Loan, just talk to Kate,” Maree said.

“She can help you figure out if you’re eligible and then you can decide how you want to move forward.”

Kate said she could also talk to primary producers at FarmFest about how a QRIDA Sustainability Loan could help them improve the profitability and productivity of their enterprise.

“QRIDA’s Sustainability Loans of up to $1.3 million can help primary producers implement a range of on-farm improvements including upgrading equipment and infrastructure, expanding or diversifying farming operations, constructing fodder storage and commodity facilities, and more,” Kate said. 

For more information about QRIDA’s financial assistance programs, visit our First Start Loan or Sustainability Loan pages, and stop by QRIDA’s exhibition at Pavilion 29 inside the AgSmart Connect Hub at FarmFest 2024.

Find QRIDA at FarmFest at Pavilion 29 inside the AgSmart Connect Hub


Last updated: 17 May 2024

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