Queensland farmers to receive $10 million boost

18 October 2019

The Palaszczuk Government is supporting Queensland farmers through a new $10 million program that offers rebates to farmers to seek advice to help reduce run-off into the Great Barrier Reef.

Minister for Environment and the Great Barrier Reef Leeanne Enoch said farmers in reef catchments can now apply to receive a rebate of up to $1000 each for seeking agronomic advice.

“Under the new Farming in Reef Catchments Rebate Scheme, eligible graziers, sugarcane producers and banana growers can receive funding to help them get some guidance on ensuring they are meeting the new regulations that help protect the Great Barrier Reef,” Ms Enoch said.

“Last month legislation was passed in Queensland Parliament that took an important step to help improve water quality on the Reef, to help protect it and the thousands of jobs that rely on its health.

“This $10 million program is one of several funding programs that our Government has announced to support farmers to make the transition.”

The Palaszczuk Government also announced an extra $5.72 million in funding under the new Grazing Resilience and Sustainable Solutions program, which supports beef cattle graziers in the Burdekin, Fitzroy and Burnett Mary regions and will help deliver one-on-one support for graziers and tailored land management plans.

Minister Enoch said applications were now open for the $1000 rebates.

“This scheme, being administered by the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA), will help farmers transition to meeting the new Reef protection regulations, which are proposed to start coming into effect on 1 December 2019.

“From then, the regulations will be implemented over a staged process.

“The new regulations set minimum practice agricultural standards in catchments that flow into the Great Barrier Reef and will roll out over three years.

“These minimum standards are already approved and accepted by industry and the regulations are ensuring these standards will be the minimum for everyone to follow.

“The regulations also focus on reducing nutrient and sediment run-off from agriculture and industrial land uses, such as sewage treatment plants, aquaculture and mining.”

Producers are encouraged to apply now for funding, and to access professional advice, noting that a condition of funding is that advice must come from an Accredited Agricultural Adviser who are listed on the QRIDA website.

This media statement was issued by Minister for Environment and the Great Barrier Reef Leeanne Enoch.


Last updated: 07 November 2022

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