Support for small businesses, primary producers and not-for-profits impacted by SEQ storms

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2 January 2024

The Australian and Queensland Governments have announced further assistance for Queenslanders impacted by the SEQ storms on Christmas night.

Disaster Assistance and Essential Working Capital Loans are now available for affected small businesses, primary producers and non-profit organisations in the City of Gold Coast, Scenic Rim Regional Council and Logan City Council to assist with the repair and recovery of essential equipment, and for loss of income.

Freight subsidies are also being made available to primary producers to alleviate the costs of moving stock and operating materials.

Assistance is being provided through the joint Commonwealth-state Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

Federal Minister for Emergency Management Murray Watt said this assistance would help eligible small businesses, primary producers and community organisations across the region recover and return to operations.

“To get impacted South East Queenslanders back on their feet, we are providing support as quickly as the need is identified," Minister Watt said.

"The Commonwealth and State Governments have already acted swiftly to provide personal hardship payments and other support mechanisms to impacted residents right across Logan, Scenic Rim and Gold Coast." 

Minister responsible for Queensland Reconstruction Authority Nikki Boyd said getting reconnected and back to work was a big step to ensuring recovery across the region.

“Our primary producers have also been impacted by these severe storms and the Commonwealth and State Governments are making sure they have the support they need,” Minister Boyd said.

“I urge anyone eligible for disaster loans or other activated assistance measures to apply now, with the Queensland Community Recovery Hotline (1800 173 349) available around the clock for questions on eligibility and how to apply online on QRIDA’s website.”

To further measure the impacts of the SEQ weather event on small businesses, a new SEQ Natural Disaster Business Survey has been launched on the Business Queensland website.

All fees payable for mediation through the Office of the Queensland Small Business Commissioner (QSBC) will also be waived for eligible SEQ small business tenants and their landlords, commencing 25 December 2023.

The waiver is available for parties to a retail shop lease or small business lease located in the Logan, Scenic Rim and Gold Coast local government areas, at the time of the SEQ storms in December 2023.

Small Business Minister Lance McCallum said this support would help small businesses rebuild, recover and get back on track.

“Insights from this survey [Natural Disaster Business Survey] will be invaluable to help prepare for future events and determine if additional support might be required, and I encourage as many affected small businesses as possible to complete it," Minister McCallum said.

“The Queensland Small Business Commissioner is also waiving mediation fees for impacted small businesses – a saving of $371 for access to mediation and help to resolve any leasing disputes quickly and affordably.

“Recovery can be a long, hard road but I want our local small businesses to know that the Miles Government has their back.”

Further information and applications

Disaster Assistance Loans 

Up to $250,000 for producers and small businesses and $100,000 for not-for-profits to repair or replace damaged assets like plant and equipment, to repair premises, or to replace stock and maintain liquidity.

Contact: QRIDA on 1800 623 946 or via QRIDA's website.

Essential Working Capital Loans

Up to $100,000 for producers, small businesses and not-for-profits to allow for the continuation of operations, including paying wages, rents or rates, purchasing items such as fuel, fodder and water, or for the transportation of livestock and produce.

Contact: QRIDA on 1800 623 946 or via QRIDA's website.

Freight subsidies

Up to $5,000 for primary producers to assist with the movement of stock, feed, machinery, fuel, water, and building or fencing materials.

Contact: DAF on 13 25 23 or via DAF's website.

LGA eligibility

  • City of Gold Coast, Scenic Rim Regional Council and Logan City Council

Queensland Small Business Commissioner

The Small Business Commissioner Dominique Lamb has exercised the power to waive mediation fees for a class of parties under section 6(3) of the Small Business Commissioner Regulation 2022.

The period of the waiver is for disputes lodged with the QSBC between 25 December 2023 to 13 June 2024.

The mediation fee will be reduced from $371 to $0.

Additional information on the types of disputes the Small Business Commissioner can mediate, and other supports offered by the QSBC can be found on the Queensland Small Business Commissioner's website.

More on disaster assistance can be found at on the Australian Government's Disaster Assist website or the Queensland Government's Disaster Help website


Last updated: 10 January 2024

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