
Farm Debt Restructure Office

The Farm Business Analysis Assistance program as part of the Farm Debt Restructure Office is a free, no obligation service designed to assist primary producers.

Dan standing at fence with Bakers

Our Farm Business Analysis Assistance is helping producers move forward with confidence in their rural enterprise. With access to free and independent advice, we're helping producers put plans on paper and focus on their future.

What can I expect from the program?

  • Access to an independent consultant who will work with you to review your current business strategies including underlying problems you may be experiencing.
  • A no obligation and impartial report on your business, operation and overall financial position including options and recommendations that resolve your underlying debt issues including debt restructure.

Our panel of independent consultants

Our panel of independent consultants work with producers to provide independent advice on how producers can resolve underlying debt issues and get back around the table with their lender. Watch below to learn more about what you can expect when you engage with one of our consultants.


Choose your consultant

QRIDA has selected the current panel from the approved financial service providers listed on the Queensland Government’s Standing Offer Arrangements (QGCPO 878-13). Over time this interim panel will be reviewed, and additional service providers may be added.

Company nameConsultant namePhoneEmail
BentleysBrendan Goulding07 3222
BDOShaun McKinnon07 3859
MazarsJohn Kotzur07 3218
MooreRebecca Jeffriess07 3340 3800

RSM AustraliaDavid Lethbridge07 4688

This program is funded by the Queensland Government and delivered by the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA).

Related information

Farm Debt Restructure Office flow chart (PDF, 182 KB) Farm Debt Restructure Office fact sheet (PDF, 182KB)
Subscribe to the FDRO Review newsletter
Subscribe to the FDRO Review newsletter

Apply now

Find the information you need here to apply for Farm Business Analysis Assistance.

Frequently asked questions

View all FAQs

Yes. Producers can engage the independent consultant at their own cost to assist in implementing options provided in the report. Where further engagement is sought it will be the sole responsibility of the individual and independent consultant.

No. However the Farm Debt Restructure Office will undertake a follow up review to understand what options, if any, have been implemented.

Farm Business Analysis Assistance includes an assessment of past, present and projected position of the farm business summarised in a report. The report includes analysis and options based on the current and potential future of the business. The service is provided free of charge to the producer.

Yes. The independent consultant may need to clarify information around the nature and terms of the businesses term debt to establish a more accurate picture of the enterprise for the report.

Yes. The service is not restricted by the presence of existing facilities.

Producers are free to disagree and encouraged to discuss the findings of the analysis report with their independent consultant. The aim of the assistance is to provide independent and objective analysis at no cost to the producer. Concerns must be raised direct with the independent consultant. The Farm Debt Restructure Office will ensure they have been adequately addressed.

Yes. As part of the service one on-farm visit is mandatory to ensure your commitment to the service provided and to enable the independent consultant to fully understand your business position and financial challenges.

No. The Farm Business Analysis Assistance provides specific, independent expert financial advice for the primary producer in addition to their regular accountant, financial advisor or Rural Financial Counsellor. An eligible primary producer can select a consultant from a pre-approved panel of independent consultants overseen by QRIDA.

The Rural Financial Counselling Service which is funded by the Australian Government often provides assistance and support to a primary producer over a period of up to 3 years whereas the Farm Business Analysis Assistance is a more timely and immediate review of the producer’s financial situation and future restructure, repair and recovery options.

Farm Business Analysis Assistance includes an assessment of past, present and projected position of the farm business summarised in a report. The report includes analysis and options based on the current and potential future of the business. The service is provided free of charge to the producer.

No. Assistance only relates to obtaining professional services in compiling the analysis report. If the producer seeks to implement options from the Farm Business Analysis Assistance, they do so at their own cost.

The Farm Debt Restructure Office will aim to provide applicants with a decision within 15 business days of receiving a complete application.

Yes. Applicants have the right to a review of their eligibility decision and are required to respond in a formal appeal letter within 30 business days.

No. Producers are not required to implement any options provided in the report.

The process is to be completed within eight weeks from approval of assistance. This may be subject to the availability of the parties involved and information. Where circumstances arise that warrant an extension, the Farm Debt Restructure Office must be notified to formalise a deferral to a later date.

No. QRIDA oversees the Farm Debt Restructure Office including the Farm Business Analysis Assistance application process and the pre-approved panel of  financial independent consultants. The purpose of the program is to provide independent specialist rural financial advice.

QRIDA’s Regional Area Managers located throughout Queensland can help refer potential applicants to the Farm Debt Restructure Office for assistance.

The application form lists all required documentation needed to apply for this assistance, for example a statement of assets and liabilities, past years financial statements, taxation returns etc.

Get in touch

For enquiries about the Farm Debt Restructure Office email

Primary producer
Farm debt services

Last updated: 25 March 2025

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